Nantucket Sound

AARON HALE: American Hero

December 02, 2021 N Magazine Season 1 Episode 21

At nineteen years old, Aaron Hale entered the Navy and became a culinary specialist for the Sixth Fleet. Cooking for three-star generals and dignitaries from around the world, the job was cushy and Hale loved it. But in the wake of the September 11th attacks, Hale's patriotism and sense of duty drove him to hang up his chef coat and don a bomb suit. He became an EOD team leader and was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan where he had the most dangerous job in the military: disarming roadside bombs. In 2011, Hale had just returned from leave and was being driven to a small command outpost outside of Kandahar, Afghanistan when his caravan came to an abrupt stop. What happened next--exactly ten years ago next week--changed the trajectory of Hale's life. In this riveting conversation, Aaron Hale shares his inspiring journey from military man to wounded warrior to entrepreneur. (Check out Aaron's creations at and follow him on social media at @EODConfections)